tags, as close as possible to the opening tag. Creation Date: 06/27/2022 -->


You can request a refund for any purchase on avrofurniture.com  within 24 hours of your order placement time. We will ask no questions for cancellation of the order if it is not shipped from our facility. If the product is shipped from our facility, the buyer will have to bear the expenses of the reverse shipment from the buyer place to the company warehouse. 

Issue a refund for any reason, if the request is made within twenty-four hours of purchase.

There are more details below:

Where Refunds Apply

Avon Moldplast limited refund offer, within 24 hours of purchase, applies to products that are purchased on avrofurniture.com. Here is an overview of how refunds work with other types of purchases if they are unshipped from our warehouse.

Refunds on AVRO Hot Deals

Any Hot Deal product purchased on avrofurniture.com is refundable within 72 hours of purchase if they are unshipped from our warehouse.

Refund on Bundles

You can receive a full refund for any bundle purchased on avrofurniture.com, so long as none of the items in the bundle are shipped from our warehouse. 

Purchases Made Outside of avrofurniture.com

avrofurniture.com cannot provide refunds for purchases made outside of avrofurniture.com (for example, products purchased from  third parties like our retail stores or dealer or distributor network)

Refunds on Gifts

We are unable to offer refunds for gifts after they have been redeemed by the recipient.


Refunds are designed to remove the risk for purchasing products on avrofurniture.com —not as a way to get free awards. If it appears to us that you are abusing refunds, we may stop offering them to you. We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a product that was purchased just before a sale and then immediately re buying that title for the sale price.

How to request a refund

We will only allow cancellation of order if it is within 24 hours of ordering time. Please write us on support@avrofurniture.com  for any cancellations request within the 24 hours window mentioning your order id.

You will be issued a full refund of your purchase to payment mode you used within 72 hours of approval. 

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